Sex Jokes

JokerZ offers a HUGE collection of funny dirty jokes. Check out our professionally curated categories for hilarious adult jokes and sex jokes. Set your filter on Risque and Uncensored to browse dirty knock-knock jokes, inappropriate jokes and one liners from professional joke writers. Over 3000 of the best dirty jokes will have you ROFL. Share jokes anonymously with friends or post on social sites.

Only Two Chances

Did you hear about the woman who only had two chances to get pregnant? She blew them both...

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Construction Worker Bathroom Break

Two construction workers work on the 30th floor. One of them has to piss, so the other guy agrees to hold on to him while he leans out a window. Just then the dinner bell sounds and the guy who was holding the other guy runs down to get his food. On the 20th floor he is stopped by his boss, who asks if the guy he works with is gay. "Why do you ask?" he says. "Because a minute ago he came flying past my window with his d**k in his hand yelling, 'Where the f**k did that a**hole go?"


Elevator Operator Booty Call

Personally, I prefer going down.

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