Joke Writer Info

Welcome to! Here at Jokerz Media, we are focused on creating the best joke website and social platform in the world! Not just for joke readers, but also for all the talented comedy writers, in need of a place to showcase their hard work and creativity.

Our founders come from the comedy industry and the technology world. We understand how difficult it is to break into the comedy business and turn comedy writing into profession. So, as we built this new platform, we met with a number of professional and amateur comedy writers to get their feedback on how to best help writers achieve success in the comedy-writing world. They told us they need a way to:

  • Showcase Their Work and Connect Them to Opportunities
  • Help Maintain and Protect Their Copyrights
  • Help Them Collaborate With Other Joke Writers

As we build and grow and the Jokerz Media mobile applications, we are committed to addressing these needs.

Showcasing Joke Writers and Connecting Them to Opportunities

At, we provide each and every joke writer with their own dedicated writers page, similar to a Facebook page, to showcase their work, find business opportunities, and connect with their fans. Writers pages include:

  • Writer's Biography and Photo (optional)
  • The Full Collection of their Published Jokes
  • A Dedicated News Feed
  • Links to their Social Networks and Homepage
  • A Personalized & Simple URL (e.g.

Sample Writer Page Screenshot

In addition, in the coming months we will begin featuring writers with the best content, based on user feedback and viewing trends, completely free of charge.

Finally we conduct regular joke contests with cool prizes for the most popular jokes!

Helping Joke Writers Maintain and Protect Their Copyrights

We know that protecting your jokes is tough to do! Most joke sites are more than willing to take your joke submissions, but fail to give credit to the author, and actually make it difficult to protect your copyright. In many cases, they even attempt to claim copyright on your hard work!

Here at Jokerz Media, we give credit where credit is due. As the writer of a joke, YOU are in control of your material. To that end we:

  • Clearly list the writer and copyright owner for each joke,
  • Link jokes back to your writers page,
  • Allow you to claim jokes in our library (requires proof of authorship),
  • Allow you to remove or modify jokes as needed.

Sample Writer Copyright

Helping Comedy Writers Collaborate

We also know that best comedy writing is usually a team effort. We are diligently working on new features to allow you to share drafts of new material with trusted members of your comedy writing team. That way you can get feedback and use that feedback to create your best material. And when you get it perfect, you get to decide if you want to share that material with everyone on or keep it for other opportunities. Your call!

Get Started Today for FREE

That's right, at Jokerz Media, our business model is advertising-based so that writers don't have to pay a dime! Not now, not ever!

Sign Up Now

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