Advertise with Jokerz

Thanks for your interest in advertising with Jokerz Media! They say that laughter is the best medicine and we're all about putting smiles on people's faces, including the faces of our advertisers!

We're a team of seasoned professionals from the comedy and technology industries on a mission to provide an amazing joke browsing experience. The experience we're delivering to our users will also benefit our advertisers. From a user perspective we go beyond the browse and search experience that most sites offer and create personalized experiences such as:

  • Recommendations tailored to each user's sense of humor,
  • Filtering jokes site-wide to match the user's preferences for types of jokes, such as kid friendly jokes, office friendly jokes, and jokes free of highly offensive content
  • Providing parental controls to keep kids safe.

We firmly believe this enhanced experience will drive repeat visits and improve user satisfaction. That same experience will translate into a positive brand experience for our sponsors. We are using the Google DoubleClick platform for ad serving, enabling segmentation based on numerous categories including location, browser type, and more. In addition, we also offer advertisers additional targeting capabilities including separate ad inventory placements for:

  • Users Viewing Only Kid-Friendly Content
  • Users Viewing Only Office-Friendly Content
  • Users Viewing All Jokes, but Not Highly Offensive Content
  • Users Viewing Only Highly Offensive Content
  • Users Viewing All Content

Advertisers wanting to learn more about our audience and / or wanting to purchase our inventory directly can contact us via our Contact Form or call us at +1 (855) JOKERZZ / +1 855-565-3799.

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