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Relationship Jokes - Man Criticizes Woman

A police officer attempts to stop a car for speeding and the guy gradually increases his speed until he's topping 100 mph. He eventually realizes he can't escape and finally pulls over. The cop approaches the car and says, "It's been a long day and my shift is almost over, so if you can give me a good excuse for your behavior, I'll let you go." The guy thinks for a few seconds and then says, "My wife ran away with a cop about a week ago. I thought you might be that officer trying to give her back!"
Travel Jokes
(Car Trip Jokes)
, Relationship Jokes
(Man Criticizes Woman)
, Profession Jokes
(Police Jokes)
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Q: Why do women wear makeup and perfume?
A: Because they're ugly and they smell.
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Good Morning
"Sometimes I wake up grumpy, other times I let her sleep"
Funny Thoughts
, Relationship Jokes
(Man Criticizes Woman)
, Relationship Jokes
(Marriage Jokes)
, Relationship Jokes
(Dating Jokes)
, Word Play Jokes
, One-Liner Jokes
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