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Alcohol Jokes - Beer Jokes

9 Signs Santa Has Been Drinking
- While your child is on his lap, he tells them they're not getting his Bud Light.
- You see his sleigh pulled over and the police with a breathalyzer.
- Those darn milk and cookies never worked but the Jack Daniels does!
- You don't remember getting a request for venison in your stocking.
- Betty Ford releases him on December 24th.
- After each child, he has a Jello Shot.
- This year the sleigh is being pulled by the Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull.
- He jumps down a manhole and then gets angry when he can't find the tree.
- Instead of going Onward, Dancer and Prancer...he just grumbles and says "Awww...just get going!"
Holiday Jokes
(Christmas Jokes)
, Alcohol Jokes
(Beer Jokes)
, Alcohol Jokes
(Shots Jokes)
, Alcohol Jokes
(Whiskey Jokes)
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Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.
Good Bud
Q: What's the difference between men and beer?
A: When you're done with the beer it's still worth 5 cents.
Alcohol Jokes
(Beer Jokes)
, Funny Thoughts
, Riddles
, Relationship Jokes
(Break-up Jokes)
, Relationship Jokes
(Woman Criticizes Man)
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- 5
Harambe at MadTree
Harambe and a friend walk into the taproom at MadTree Brewing in Cincinnati. After quite a few drinks, Harambe asks for a final mug of Happy Amber, his favorite brew. His friend says, "Dude, you've had too much today. Just get some ice to suck on for a while until we leave." Harambe nods his agreement, and the bartender says, "So, just ice?"
His friend says, "Yep, just ice for Harambe."
Pop Culture / Celebrity Jokes
, Bar Jokes
(Animal in Bar Jokes)
, Alcohol Jokes
(Beer Jokes)
, Word Play Jokes
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