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Profession Jokes - Police Jokes
Don't Say To Security
The Top 10 Things You Should Not Say To A Security Guard When Caught Stealing Coins From A Mall Fountain
- "Isn't there a robbery at the Orange Julius you should be investigating?"
- "I'm searching for a hard to find 1998 nickel."
- "DUH!! The Gap is having a sale!"
- "Did you know that it now costs 35 cents to make a phone call?"
- "Thanks idiot... I had just made a wish that I could clean the fountain out and not get caught! Way to ruin that wish!!"
- "Have you seen that really cool gumball machine in the food court? It rolls down a spiral ramp!"
- "I'm at the last level of Mortal Kombat IV and I need another quarter."
- "I'm trying to match the exact amount of your worthless paycheck you Barney Fife wannabe!"
- "See..I need a quarter to make a phone call to my Kleptomaniacs Anonymous sponsor and that's why I'm stealing the quarters in the fountain. I NEED HELP MAN!!!"
- "I'm looking for beer money"
Money Jokes
(Poor People Jokes)
, Money Jokes
(Robber Jokes)
, Profession Jokes
(Police Jokes)
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Yo Mama - Hold Up
Yo mama so dumb, she went to the police station and said, "Give me all your money!"
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Teacher 911
Q: Why did the kindergarten teacher call the Police?
A: Because a 5 year old was resisting a rest.
(Riddles for Kids)
, Profession Jokes
(Police Jokes)
, Jokes about Kids
(School Kids Jokes)
, Word Play Jokes
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