Sexist Jokes - Men vs Women Jokes

Men and Women Qualities

Q: Why do men walk so fast?
A: They've got three legs!
Q: Why do women talk so much?
A: They've got two mouths!


Made For Love

Adam was talking to God one day, and asked, "why did you make Eve so pretty?" God replied, "So you would love her." Adam then asked, "why did you make her such a good cook?" God replied, "So that you would love her." Adam asked, "Why does she have such a heavenly smile?" God said, "So you would love her." Finally, Adam asked, "Why did you make her so dumb?" God replied, "So that she would love you!"


Beer Hormones

Yesterday, scientists in the United States revealed that beer contains small traces of female hormones. To prove their theory, they fed one hundred men twelve pints of beer and observed that 100% of them started talking nonsense and couldn't drive.

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