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Sex Jokes

Gay Men's Shower
Two gay men, Paul and Tom, were making love one night, and had just finished when Paul decided he was going to freshen up in the shower. Tom was laying there thinking about how wonderful Paul was, when he decided he was going to join him in the shower. When Tom got into the bathroom, he opened up the shower curtain and the first thing he saw was a large cumshot on the wall. He wailed to Tom, ''I can't believe you! We just finish making love and you come in here and jack-off!!'' Paul looks at the wall and says ''What are you talking about? I wasn't jacking-off, I farted!!!"
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Geek Booty Call - Yoda
Do me or do not, there is no try.
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The Hooker and Her Gramma
There was a hooker with a bunch of other hookers. The police came, and said for all of the girls to line up.
The hooker's gramma came and said, "Why are all of you girls lined up?"
The girl didn't want her gramma to know what she did for a living so the girl said, "We're lined up to buy oranges"
The police talked to every girl individually, and when they got to gramma the police said, "How do you do it, you're so old?!?"
Gramma says, "It's easy, just peel it down and suck it dry!"
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