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Sex Jokes

Offer a Hand
Bob walks into a public bathroom and notices a guy with no arms standing next to a urinal. As Bob takes care of his business, he wonders how the poor soul is going to take a leak. Bob finishes and heads for the door, but figures he should ask the man if he needs help. ''Oh yes please!?" the man cries. "You have a kind heart, sir,'' says the man with no arms. But as Bob goes ahead, unzips the man, and pulls his willy out, he encounters all kinds of mold, red bumps, moles, scabs, scars, and other unpleasant-looking things. The armless man asks Bob to kindly point it... then shake it, put it back and zip it. So Bob, gathers his courage, shuts his eyes and does so. ''Thank you very much, sir!'' says the armless man. ''No problem,'' says Bob ''but what the hell is wrong with your penis?'' The guy pulls pulls his arms out of his shirt and says ''I don't know, but I ain't touching it!"
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Gay Lover Wants Chest Hair
Two gay male lovers were talking and Bob says to Jon, "I wish I had chest hair like you." So the next day Bob goes to the doctor and asks for something to grow chest hair. The doctor gives him something and he says "It will work in about two months." Two months later Bob has no hair on his chest and back to the doctor he goes. The Doctor says, 'Rub some Vaseline on your chest, and in a week you will be growing hair.' Jon comes home that day seeing Bob rub Vaseline and asks "Why?" Bob says, "to grow chest hair." Jon says, "if Vaseline grows hair you would have a ponytail comin' out your ass!"
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Flavored condoms
I recently tried some of these new 'flavored' condoms. I bought one of each flavor they had, and tried each one in turn every time i got a shag. My girlfriend likes to lick each one before i insert it in her, just to see what flavor i was wearing. The first night she said "Mmmmm, Cherry flavor", The second night she said "Mmmmm, Mint flavor ", The third night she said "Mmmmm, Strawberry flavor", and so on, until we had reached the final flavor, and she said "Mmmmm, Cheese flavor" "Cheese flavour ??" i said "I haven't put one on yet!"
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