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School Jokes

Top 10 Reasons to Send Kids to School
The Top 10 Reasons That Parents Send Kids To School
- To scope out any single teachers for Daddy.
- To learn that useful Algebra stuff that every McDonald's manager uses daily.
- No cable at home so the kids watch it at school and fill you in at dinner.
- After the same damn episode of Barney 2500 times, its either send them to school or drop them off at the dump at the outskirts of town.
- So someone else can deal with the psychotic little shits.
- Not getting enough paste in their diet at home.
- Easier to run escort service out of home when they're not around.
- To study hard, and learn the fine art of perfect English to the point of getting a college degree just so you can use it for writing Top 10 Lists!
- To learn the fine art of seducing older, more powerful male role models in order to get what you want or to fly on Air Force One (M.Lewinsky only!).
- To let teachers help with the parenting!
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Four Big Ten Alumni
Four college alumni were climbing a mountain one day. Each was from a different Big Ten school and each proclaimed to be the most loyal of all fans at their Alma mater. As they climbed higher, they argued as to which one of them was the most loyal of all. They continued to argue all the way up the mountain, and finally as they reached the top, the Boilermaker hurled himself off the mountain, shouting, "This is for Purdue!" as he fell to his doom.
Not wanting to be out done, the Wildcat threw himself off the mountain proclaiming, "This is for Northwestern!" Seeing this, the Buckeye walked over and shouted, "This is for everyone!!!" and pushed the Wolverine off the side of the mountain.
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College Exam Plea
O Lord, hear my anxious plea Calculus is killing me I know not of 'dx' or 'dy' And probably won't until the day I die. Please, Lord, help me in this hour As I take my case to the highest power. I care not for fame or loot Just help me find one square root. And Lord, please let me see One passing mark in organic chemistry. Oh such a thing I constantly dread I'd just as soon join the Marines instead. Lord, please give me a sign That you've been listening all the time. Please lead me out of this constant coma And give me a shot at my diploma.
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