Ethnic / Country Jokes - American Jokes

Southern Bulb

Q: How many South Americans does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: A brazillian


Young Immigrant Couple

The young immigrant couple had just left the courthouse after being sworn in as American citizens. "It is wonderful," the husband exclaimed. "We are American citizens at last! Do you know what this means to us my dear wife?" "Yes, you male chauvinist pig," his wife replied. "Tonight, you cook dinner and I get on top!"

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

You're in New York City

You Know You're in New York City When:

  1. Nuns walk down the street carrying automatic weapons.
  2. You can run into the corner deli and have an eat-in lunch with dessert in the time it takes to cross the intersection of 8th and 42nd at rush hour.
  3. A flying saucer can pass overhead and you hear the locals say, "Ack. More damned aliens."
  4. The aroma of smoked meat is able to counteract the smell of smog and pollution.
  5. The priest in the cadillac behind you gives you the finger for cutting him off.
  6. You pass a convenience store advertising "Free green cards, no questions asked."
  7. The gas station attendants actually speak English.
  8. The unearthly pounding of the cranked up bass in the El Camino next to you is drowned out by the cabshonking their horns.
  9. A person with rainbow striped hair can pass by without anyone staring.
  10. The bumper sticker on the senior citizen's car in front of you reads, "Warning: I break for pedestrians."

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.
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