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Ethnic / Country Jokes

Young Immigrant Couple
The young immigrant couple had just left the courthouse after being sworn in as American citizens. "It is wonderful," the husband exclaimed. "We are American citizens at last! Do you know what this means to us my dear wife?" "Yes, you male chauvinist pig," his wife replied. "Tonight, you cook dinner and I get on top!"
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Granny Rules
My Grandad was wounded by a German during the war
Granny Schneider found him in bed with another woman and shot him
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Boston Taxi Driver
A Boston taxi driver backed into a stationary fruit stall and within seconds he had a cop beside him. "Name?" asked the cop.
"Brendan O'Connor," the taxi driver replies.
"Wow, that's the same as mine. Where are you from?" asked the cop.
"County Cork."
"Wow, same as me......", the policeman says as he paused with his pen in the air. "Hold on a moment and I'll come back and talk about the old county. I need to talk to this fella that ran into the back of your cab!"
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