Animal Jokes - Rabbit Jokes

Easter Bunny

Q: Why does the Easter Bunny hide his eggs?
A: Because he doesn't want anyone to know he's screwing the chickens.

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.
Submitted BY: Anonymous

Bunny Twitch

Q: Why did the rabbit go to the doctor?
A: Because he felt jumpy.


The Rabbit Mule And Rooster

A guy goes down south to be a farmer because it's his life long dream. He buys a piece of land and heads down there, now all he needs are the animals. He goes into a store and asks the clerk for a rooster to wake him up every morning. The clerk says, "We don't call 'em roosters, we call 'em cocks." "Okay" the man says. "I'll take a cock and a rabbit for the farm." "We pronounce it rubbit says the clerk." "Okay, I'll take those two things and a mule to carry them home." "We don't call 'em mules, we call 'em asses and every time the ass stops walkin', just scratch behind his ear." So the man walks out of the store with the three animals. He's walking home when all of a sudden the mule stops. The man sees a lady passing by and asks, "Can you hold my cock and rubbit while I scratch my ass?"

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.
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