Top 10 Lists

Geriatric Lovemaking

You know your grandparents are doing it when...

  1. A pair of edible Depends is found on bedroom floor.
  2. Lately, at night, they put their teeth in the same glass.
  3. Grandpa grabs his crotch and complains loudly of "denture-burn".
  4. Granny is found cuffed to her walker.
  5. Not only do you hear the bed squeaking, but also joints.
  6. Grandma regularly looks at Grandpa's crotch and claps twice.
  7. Your "Grandma" is Anna Nicole Smith.
  8. You've just seen the photos in the "Beaver Hunt" section of the May issue of Hustler.
  9. Grandmother starts baking Viagra-chip cookies.
  10. Their Craftmatic adjustable bed is set for "doggy style".


8 Play on Word Phrases

  1. Men who drop watch in toilet bound to have shitty time.
  2. Men who stand on toilet high on pot.
  3. Men who smoke pot choke on handle.
  4. Men who walk through airport door sideways going to Bangkok.
  5. Men who have women on ground have piece on earth.
  6. Men who run behind car get exhausted.
  7. Take many nails to make a crib but one screw to fill it.
  8. Men who go to bed with itchy ass wake up with sticky fingers.


Police Chief Hates You

Ten Signs The Police Chief Hates You
10. He sends you on drug raids....alone.
9. He refers to you as "Our Little Mascot."
8. The job description in your contract includes "crash test dummy" and "pepper-spray test subject."
7. Instead of a gun, you were issued a water pistol.
6. He always tells you that only wimps call for back-up.
5. He lied to you about an "officer exchange program" and put you on a plane to Siberia.
4. He doesn't like to be seen with you in public.
3. He makes up "missing persons" and then sends you to look for them.
2. You always get the patrol car with the flat tire, no gas, a dead battery, and a broken air conditioner.
1. Your locker is also the broom closet!!

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