U.S. State Jokes - Texas Jokes

Aggie and Longhorn Ranching

An Aggie and a Longhorn had just bought a ranch together, so they were driving the fence line to check everything out when they came upon a goat with his head stuck in a fence. So the Longhorn gets out of the truck, looks around, and then starts screwing the goat. He gets finished, takes a step back, ands asks the Aggie, "Hey, you want a piece of this?" The Aggie says, "Yeah, but do I have to stick my head in the fence?"


Dallas Safe Zone

Q: Where are Dallas residents staying to avoid Ebola?
A: Cowboy Stadium.  They can't catch anything there.


Texas Alligator

Q: Why didn't the alligator eat the Texan after killing him?
A: Cause he found out he was full of Bullshit.

Copyright © 2015 - Kim Solem - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.
Written By: kimmyalan
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