Sports Jokes - American Football Jokes

Rams and Patriots Fans

Two Rams fans were standing at a bar. The one fan said to the other, "You know, the Patriots might have won the Super Bowl, but their fans are such a**holes!" A man walked up to them and with a mad look on his face said, "I find that statement offensive!" One of the Rams fans replied, "Oh, you must be a Patriots fan." "No," the man said, "I'm an a**hole!"


Clock, Jock and a Crock

Q: Name a clock, a jock and a crock.
A: Big Ben, Joe Nameth and the candidates' campaign promises.

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Kidnappers Caught Him

The following is supposedly a true story. To be included, besides being true, the story is most likely strange, weird, surprising, or funny.
January 12, 1993 - San Francisco  police arrested Russell C. Sultan in July and charged him with attempting to extort $23,000 from his mother and girlfriend by claiming to have been kidnapped for ransom. After tracing telephone calls, police, guns drawn, burst into a motel room to find Sultan casually eating fried chicken and watching a 49ers football game. Sultan said the kidnappers had merely left him alone for a while, and exclaimed to the officers, "What took you so long?"

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