Sex Jokes - Private Parts

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Extra Extra Organs

John Hopkins Medical Center is reporting an unusual occurrence in the Obstetrics department: A child was born with both male and female organs.
A penis and a brain!

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Anheuser Busch

Helga hangs the wash out to dry, then goes downtown to pick up some dry cleaning. "Gootness, iss hot," she says as the sun beats down on her. She passes by a tavern and says, "Vy nought?" So she sits at the bar. "Bartender," she says. "I vill have unt cold beer, please." The bartender asks, "Anheuser Busch?" "Vell, fine, tanks," she says, "Just ah leetle svetty."


Whiskey and MJ

Q: What does a good whiskey have in common with Michael Jackson?
A: It's also a seven-year-old liquor.

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