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How do You Stop 3 Black Men
Q: How do you stop a 3 black men from raping a white woman?
A: Throw them a basketball!
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Fucked Too Much
Q: How can you tell when a woman has fucked too much?
A: You put your thumb in her ass, and your middle-finger in her vagina...Now, if you can snap your fingers, you know she's been fucking too much.
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Beverly Hills
One day there were four people absent from class. The next day one of the boys came back to school, and the teacher asked where he was. He replied "On top of Beverly Hills." The teacher said "Okay." Then the next day, another boy came in and the teacher asked where were you? He replied "On top of Beverly Hills." The teacher said "Okay." The next day the third boy came in and the teacher asked "Where were you?" and he replied "On top of Beverly Hills". The third person came in and the teacher asked "Where were you?" Before the girl could say anything the teacher said "Let me guess, on top of Beverly Hills?" The girl said "No I am Beverly Hills."
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