Religion Jokes - Heaven Jokes

Cat and Chicken to Heaven

A cat and a chicken die but end up in the wrong heavens. The cat is in chicken heaven and the chicken is in cat heaven. There is a river between the two heavens and they both must cross it to get to their rightful place. The chicken flies over to his heaven without a hitch, but when the cat tries to cross over, he falls in and gets totally wet. 
Q: What's the moral of the story?
A: When there's a happy cock, there's a wet pussy.


Docs Go To Heaven

Three doctors died and went to the Pearly Gates to be interviewed to see where they would end up. St. Peter asked the first one what he did on earth, and he said he was an obstetrician. St. Peter asked what an obstetrician did and the doc told him. "Sounds pretty good; okay you can go in to Heaven." The second doc said he was a pediatrician and had to explain what that involved. St. Peter said, "Sounds very useful, very good -- you can go in too." The third doc said he was the chief man in charge of a whole HMO conglomerate. "Well, what's that?" asked St. Peter. So the doc told him exactly what that involved. "Sounds very important, very useful. You can go in too." So the third doc goes in the Gates and starts to walk up the stairs. St. Peter turns and calls after him, "Oh, by the way, you can only stay three days."

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.


It seems that two of the great Romantic British Poets, Shelly and Keats, died on the same day. When they got to heaven St. Peter said, "I'm sorry, but I only have room for one poet. I'll tell you what I'll do. Each of you must make up a poem using the word 'Timbuktu.' The one who creates the best poem I'll let into heaven."
So Shelly goes first. He thinks a bit and after a few moments, he starts, "I stood upon the burning sand, gazing at a far off land. A caravan came into view - it's destination: Timbuktu."
"Very good!" says St. Peter, "Keats it's your turn. Do you think you can top that one?"
Keats just smiled and started his poem: "Tim and I a hunting went, and found three maidens in a tent. Since they were three and we were two, I bucked one and Timbuktu."

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