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Funny Thoughts

Top 10 Key Insights
- The location of your mailbox shows you how far away from your house you can be in a robe, before you start looking like a mental patient.
- My therapist said that my narcissism causes me to misread social situations. I'm pretty sure she was hitting on me.
- I always wondered what the job application is like at Hooters.. Do they just give you a bra and say, “Here, fill this out..?”
- The speed with which a woman says "nothing" when asked "What's wrong?" is inversely proportional to the severity of the s__t storm that's coming.
- Denny's has a slogan, 'If it's your birthday, the meal is on us.' If you're in Denny's and it's your birthday... Your life sucks!
- The pharmacist asked for my birthday again today. Pretty sure she's going to get me something.
- On average, an American man will have sex two to three times a week; whereas a Japanese man will have sex only one or two times a year. This is very upsetting news to me. I had no idea I was Japanese.
- I can't understand why women are okay that JC Penny has an older women's clothing line named, "Sag Harbor."
- What is it about a car that makes people think we can't see them pick their noses?
- When I die I want to be reincarnated as a spider, just so I can finally hear a woman say, “ Oh my God, it's huge!"
Funny Thoughts
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Cheese Bits
Q: What do you call the remnants of blown up cheese?
A: DeBrie.
Funny Thoughts
, Word Play Jokes
, Riddles
(Riddles for Kids)
, Food Jokes
(Cheese Jokes)
- 6
- 6
- 10
Plumber Yoga
Q: Did you hear about the new yoga pose for plumbers?
A: It's called the 'toilet' and it's all about the way U-bend.
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Copyright © 2015 - Kiel Phillips - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.
Written By: KielPhillips