Pop Culture / Celebrity Jokes

Eclectic collection of funny jokes about your favorite celebrity. Great stories and one-liners about Boy Bands, Chuck Norris, Paparazzi, Rehab and Discovery Channel Shark Week, Jussie Smollett.

Computer Hello

Q: What kind of computer can say hello to you?
A: A Dell.


Funny Thought - Fools Gold

Has anyone ever really been fooled by fool's gold? I mean come on, it looks as about as real as Joan Rivers' face!

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.
Submitted BY: TrentMabry

OJ & Pee Wee

Q: What's the difference between O.J Simpson and Pee Wee Herman?
A: It only took 12 jerks to get O.J. off.

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