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Art & Music Jokes

Brown Fingered Artist
Q: Who is the famous artist with brown fingers?
A: Pic-ass-o.
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Chicken Cross The Road - Bagpipe
Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
A: To get away from the bagpipe recital.
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Jovi Love
I met my wife when I was 22. We got married fairly young because she got pregnant. In march of 1985 we had a beautiful baby daughter that my wife wanted to name Love. She was the fruit of our mutual affection and I agreed.
Love grew up hating her name, which greatly upset me and her mother. She was bullied in school every day, something we would have given anything to be able to stop. One day Love came home from school and kissed me on the cheek, something she hadn't done since she was a kid. I heard my wife drive into the driveway and as I went to open the garage door for her I heard a loud bang behind me and I fell on the floor. My wife ran up to me, and as I bled on her arms the only thing I could say was:
Shot through the heart, and you're to blame, baby, you gave love, a bad name.
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