Profession Jokes - Teacher Jokes

Do the Math

The math teacher saw that little Johnny wasn't paying attention in class.
She called on him and said, "Johnny! what are 4, 2, 28 and 44?"
Little Johnny quickly replied, "NBC, CBS, HBO and the Cartoon Network!"

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Teachers Care

Q: Which teachers care the most about their students?
A: Math teachers, because every student counts.


Class Guessing Game

The Teacher tells the class they are going to play a game, she will describe an object and the students will tell her what she had described.
Teacher: "The first object is Red, Round, and has a stem."
Timmy: "I know what it is, it's an apple."
Teacher: "That's right, I like the way you're thinking." "OK the next item is round, has a peel, and you eat it."
Christopher: "I know what it is, it's an orange."
Teacher: "That's right, I like the way you're thinking."
Johnny: "Can I try, Teacher?"
Teacher: "Yes Johnny, but, Keep it clean!" Johnny sticks his hands in his pockets and feels around for a second, and says "My object is round, hard, and has a head on it."
Teacher: "Alright Johnny, go to the office!"
Johnny: "No Teacher, it's a quarter, but, I like the way you're thinking!"

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.
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