Sex Jokes - Prostitute Jokes

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State of Mississippi

A guy drives on the highway and sees a sign that says, "Mississippi State Whorehouse -- 10 miles." He decides to stop in. A madam answers the door, and the man requests a whore. The madam says, "I'll need $500 first." The man pays, then asks about his whore again. The madam says "Wait for 15 minutes in that hallway. Go straight, left, straight, right, and then go through the door at the end of the hall." He follows the directions, walks out the door and finds himself in the parking lot. His car has a sign on it that says, "Congrats! You've just been screwed by the state of Mississippi!"


Dyslexic Pimp

Q: Heard about the dyslexic pimp?
A: He bought a warehouse!

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Prostitute Walks in to a Bar

Prostitute walks into a bar and asks the bar man for two Bacardi's and coke. Bar man serves her and notices that she drinks one and empties the other one down her panties. This happened another three times, and the bar man was getting rather curious. The bar man nicely questions her and asks her why she is drinking one Barcardi and coke and throwing the other one down her panties. She replies, "I just won the lottery and that's the only cunt getting a drink out of me tonight!"

Categories: Sex Jokes (Prostitute Jokes)
Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.
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