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Sex Jokes

A New Car
One day a mother and father were having sex and their son walked in. "What are you doing," the kid asked.
"Well, you wanted a brother, so we're making you one." The next day, the father walks outside and sees his son porking away on the family junker's tailpipe.
"Son... what the hell are you doing!!!"
And the son replied - "Mom said she wanted an new car, so I'm making her one!"
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Creative Sex!
Morris complained to his friend Irving, that love making with his wife was becoming routine and boring. "Get creative Morris. Break up the monotony. Why don't you try 'playing doctor' for an hour? That's what I do," said Irving. "Sounds great," Morris replied, "but how do you make it last for an hour?" "That's easy...just keep her in the waiting room for 59 minutes!"
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An Irresolvable Problem
A woman went to a podiatrist complaining that her feet always hurt. He immediately noticed that she was extremely bowlegged. "Have you always been that way?" asked the podiatrist. "No," she said, not until recently. "I've been fucking a lot doggie style." "Well," said the podiatrist, "you are going to have to stop." "I can't," she replied, "that's the only way my German Shepherd fucks."
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