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Sex Jokes

Fringe Benefits
Q: What new skill will tight-end Aaron Hernandez focus on while in prison?
A: How to be a great wide receiver!
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500 Girlfriends
Q: What do you call a Greek with 500 girlfriends?
A: A shepherd
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A Young Peasant Girl
A young peasant girl of fourteen, went to work in a broom factory. After 2 months she gave the boss a two-week notice. The boss was quite unhappy to let her go since she was hard working, knew her tasks etc. He called her into his office, "But why?" he asked. "Nothing, I just wanna quit that's all," she said sullenly. "Look, I'll give you a raise." "No," she said "You can't just quit like that. There must be a reason. Tell me." "Okay if you must know..." said the girl, and she took off her underwear and pointed to her pubic hair, "Look I haven't had this before, it's the broom's bristles, I tell you..." Tickled by her innocence, he too took off his underwear and showed his, and said, "Ha ha... my dear it's nature. Look I have it too...." "Oh no!" the girl cried, "I can't wait two weeks, I quit now! Not only do you have the bristles, but you've grown the handle as well."
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