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Sex Jokes

Women's College Sex Class
The dean of a women's college, addressing her charges, concluded, "...and remember, young ladies, you represent not only your own honor but that of the school. When approached by young men, ask yourself: Is an hour's pleasure worth a lifetime of disgrace? Now, are there any questions?" A young lady immediately raised her hand and said, "Tell me, how do you make it last an hour?"
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Billy-Bob and Billi-Jo
It is 10:00 at the police station and there is only 2 officers working that day... Billy-Bob and Billi-Jo.
Billy-Bob: Hey Billi-Jo... can i stick my finger in your belly-button?
Billi-Jo: Sure Billy-Bob!
Now its 11:00 at the police station...
Billy-Bob: Hey Billi-Jo... can i stick my finger in your belly-button?
Billi-Jo: Sure Billy-Bob!
Now its midnight... and the power goes out...!!
Billy-Bob: Hey Billi-Jo... can i stick my finger in your belly-button?
Billi-Jo: Sure Billy-Bob!... wait?! Billy-Bob thats not my belly-button.
Billy-Bob: I know... and thats not my finger!!
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Cat and Chicken to Heaven
A cat and a chicken die but end up in the wrong heavens. The cat is in chicken heaven and the chicken is in cat heaven. There is a river between the two heavens and they both must cross it to get to their rightful place. The chicken flies over to his heaven without a hitch, but when the cat tries to cross over, he falls in and gets totally wet.
Q: What's the moral of the story?
A: When there's a happy cock, there's a wet pussy.
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