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Jokes about Kids
After School Snack
Q: Why did the boy eat his homework?
A: Because his teacher said it was a piece of cake.
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A Vicious Circle
A little girl asks her father, "Where do little girls come from?" The father says, "They come from a hard-on." The little girl then asks her father, "Where does a hard-on come from?" The father says, "Little girls!"
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A Real Bastard
A little boy is standing at the side of a river, weeping. His tears are streaming down his cheeks. An elderly lady passes by and feels pity for him. "What is the matter, young boy? Why are you crying?" "It's mean!", the boy sniffed, "My daddy drowned all four little kittens we had yesterday!" "That's awful indeed!", the lady replied angrily, "Your father is a real bastard!' "Yes", said the little boy, "He had promised to me that I could do it."
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