Holiday Jokes - Halloween Jokes

Skeleton's Plate

Q: What kind of plate does a skeleton eat off?
A: Bone china!


Halloween Costume

Q: What kind of costumes do brunette girls wear on Halloween?
A: They just stand on their heads and go as dirty mops.

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Jean Claude, Segal and Arnold on Halloween

Jean Claude Van Dam, Steven Segal, and Arnold Schwarzenagger all decide to go out trick-or-treating as musical composers for Halloween. They go into a costume store and look for masks. Jean Claude sees a costume that he likes and says, "I think I'll go as Beethoven." Steven Segal sees a costume that grabs his attention and says, "I'll be Mozart." Arnold had a tough time finding a costume that he liked, but he eventually found one that appeased his interest. He picks up a costume and said, "I'll be Bach."

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