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Jokes about Families

Moving on Up
This was a really, really big year for me. I got to go home for Thanksgiving and sit at the adults' table. That's 'cause, you know, somebody had to die for me to move up a plate.
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Spelling Test Mistakes
One of the women with whom I work, Donna, has a son in third grade. Part of his daily homework is to practice his spelling for his weekly tests. So, together, Donna and her son go over the words for the test, both meaning and spelling of the words. A few weeks ago, her son brought home his test. He scored 97%, missing only one word. The word was "clock." Part of the test was to use each spelling list word in a sentence. His sentence? "My dad gave my mom a clock for her birthday" -- only it seems he'd accidentally omitted the letter "L." Donna said there was no comment on the test, just the biggest check mark she had ever seen.
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Family Fractions
Like many men, as I get older I am beginning to lose my hair. My children remind me of this reality from time to time, they and sometimes enjoy pointing it out to others. When my son was studying fractions in his second-grade class, one of his assignments was to use fractions in sentences. His teacher sent his work home for me and my wife to see. The sentences read: "2/4 of my family are girls. 2/4 of my family are boys. 1/4 of my family is bald."
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