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Ethnic / Country Jokes

Dark Down Under
Q: What do you call 10,000 black dudes at the bottom of the ocean?
A: A damn good start.
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Irishman Who Went Duck Hunting
Q: Did you hear about the Irishman who went duck hunting?
A: He didn't get any because he couldn't throw the dog high enough.
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Some years ago, on Times Square in NYC, I observed a native American, in full Indian regalia, feather head dress, buckskin clothes, etc. As a pretty woman would walk by, he would raise his right hand, in an Indian greeting, and say "Wanna ". I watched this ritual for about 20 minutes, and I became more curious as he kept making these greetings. Finally, I couldn't resist any longer. I went up to the native American, and said, "I have been watching you, and I am confused. I thought that Indians say "How ." He turned to me, obviously quite annoyed, and said, "ME KNOW HOW... ME TRYING TO FIND WOMAN WHO WANNA!!"
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