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Dark Humor Jokes
If you love to laugh at the jokes that shock and disgust most people, then you have found your Graceland! ROFL with these deplorable wise cracks about death, incest, domestic violence and more!
Frog Crossing
Q: Why did the frog cross the road?
A: It didn't. It got ran over halfway across.
Animal Jokes
(Frog Jokes)
, Dark Humor Jokes
(Death Jokes)
, Cross the Road Jokes
, Riddles
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Gross Grosser Grossest II
Q: What's grosser than gross?
A: Ten babies in one mail box.
Q: What's grosser than that?
A: One baby in ten mailboxes.
Q What's grosser than that?
A: Biting into a pickle and finding a vein.
Q: What's grosser than that?
A: A cheerleader doing a split and sticking to the floor.
Q: What's grosser than that?
A: A girl thinking she has crabs only to find it's fruit flies because her cherry rotted.
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What's for Dinner?
Q: What is a cannibal's favorite cookbook?
A: 'How to Serve Your Fellow Man'
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