Blonde Jokes - Dumb Blonde Jokes

We love everything blonde but the classic dumb blonde jokes are favorites. Enjoy reading our HUGE Collection - ROFL and share with your friends. JokerZ has over 1000 blonde jokes.


A Blonde, a Brunette, and a Redhead are running from the cops they decide to hide inside some barrels. The cops kick the one with the Brunette she goes meow the cops think it's a stupid cat. Then the cops kick the one with the Redhead she goes woof woof the cops think it's a stupid dog. Last they kick the one with the Blonde and she says potato!

Copyright © 2013 - Sophia Puckett - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.
Written By: Sorandom

Blonde Calling Tech Support

One day a blonde was having trouble with her computer, so she calls tech support. "Hello how can I help you?" the tech support woman says. "Yes, I am having trouble getting my computer to do anything," the blonde says. "What window do you have open?" asks the tech. "Are you crazy? It's freezing cold outside!"


Those Dumb Blondes

Q: What does a blonde do after she finishes sucking c**k?
A: Spits out the feathers.

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