Sports Jokes - American Football Jokes

First Time Super Bowl

A guy finally got tickets to the Super Bowl, but his seats were in the nosebleed section -- but he didn't care, he had always dreamed of going to the Super Bowl. So he wants to find a seat closer to where he can see better. He finds this seat toward the front and he asks the guy next to it whether anyone is sitting there. The guy replies, "No, because my wife just died." "Well," says the first man, "why didn't you just bring a friend or relative?" The guy replied, "Oh, they're all at the funeral."


49ers New Recruits

Q: Why did the 49ers hire two nuns and a prostitute?
A: They wanted two tight ends and a wide receiver.



Do you know why the Cincinnati Bengals were the last NFL team to get a website? Because they couldn't put three W's in a row.

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