Sexist Jokes - Men vs Women Jokes

Comparing Guys and Gals at the ATM

Instructions for the Guys:

  1. Pull up to ATM.
  2. Insert Card.
  3. Enter PIN.
  4. Take cash, card and receipt.
  5. Drive away.
Instructions for the Gals:
  1. Pull up to ATM
  2. Back up and pull forward to get closer.
  3. Shut off engine.
  4. Put keys in purse.
  5. Get out of car because you're too far from machine.
  6. Hunt for card in purse.
  7. Insert card.
  8. Hunt in purse for grocery receipt with PIN written on it.
  9. Enter PIN.
  10. Study instructions.
  11. Hit "CANCEL."
  12. Re-enter correct PIN.
  13. Check balance.
  14. Look for envelope.
  15. Look in purse for pen.
  16. Make out deposit slip.
  17. Endorse checks.
  18. Make deposit.
  19. Study instructions.
  20. Make cash withdrawal.
  21. Get in car.
  22. Check makeup.
  23. Look for keys.
  24. Start car.
  25. Check makeup.
  26. Start pulling away.
  27. Stop.
  28. Back up to machine.
  29. Get out of car.
  30. Take card and receipt.
  31. Get back in car.
  32. Put card in wallet.
  33. Put receipt in checkbook.
  34. Enter deposits and withdrawals in checkbook.
  35. Clear area in purse for wallet and checkbook.
  36. Check makeup.
  37. Put car in reverse.
  38. Put car in drive.
  39. Drive away from machine.
  40. Drive 3 miles.
  41. Release parking brake.

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.


Would the meaning of this phrase change if you were a man or woman?
"I finished an entire box of tissues watching that film last night"


Five to Six Inches Deeper

This fellow was screwing his best friend's wife when he suddenly stopped and sat on the edge of the bed, holding his head in his hands. "What the hell is your problem?" the lady asked. "I feel like a regular son of a bitch, getting my best friends pussy," the man moaned. The lady reached over and patted him on the back. "Well, if that's all it is, you can stop worrying," she said. "You're not getting his pussy. His pussy is five to six inches deeper."

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.
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