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Expensive Honeymoon!

A young couple from the country honeymooned at a really fancy ocean-side resort. Because they knew it would be expensive, they had planned to limit their stay to just the weekend. They were just unable to leave, enjoying themselves and each other so much, and extended their stay another day. Upon checking out, the desk clerk said, "That'll be an additional $150 a piece." "Good God man !!!" cried the groom, totally shocked, "That's two thousand two-hundred and fifty dollars !!! Are you crazy ???"

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Why Is Sleeping With a Man Like a Soap Opera?

Q: Why is sleeping with a man like a soap opera?
A: Just when it's getting interesting they are finished until next time.

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Poem By Urinal Man

As I stand here, and try to piss
I think of the gal that gave me this
If I see her, when I get well
I'll get it again
As sure as Hell

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