Sex Jokes - Oral Sex Jokes

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Penguin Car Trouble

Once there was a penguin whose car broke down. He took it in to get it serviced, and while it was being worked on, he went shopping. He returned later that day to see what had happened to his car, and the mechanic told him, "It looks like you've blown a seal." The penguin, chuckling, and wiping his beak replied, "No, I've just eaten some ice-cream."


The Difference Between Mono and Herpes

Q: What's the difference between mono and herpes?
A: You get mono from from snatching a kiss, and herpes from kissing a snatch.

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Man and Prostitute

A man approaches a prostitute:
"How much for a blow job?"
"Can you do 20?"
"Great here's $600"

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