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Sex Jokes - Gay Jokes

Getting a Divorce
Visiting a lawyer for advice, the wife said, "I want you to help me get a divorce." The Lawyer says, "OK, what are your grounds?" "My husband is getting a little queer to sleep with." "What do you mean?" asked the attorney. "Does he force you to indulge in unusual sex practices?" "No," replied the woman, "and neither does the little queer."
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Two homosexuals were talking when one of them happened to mention that he had gotten circumcised last week. "Can I see it?" asked the second gay guy. So the first guy promptly dropped his pants to show off his operation. "Oooh!" squealed his friend, "You look ten years younger!"
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Lesbian at the Gynecologist
A young lesbian goes to her gynecologist for her yearly pelvic examination. She puts on the paper gown and awaits him to come into the exam room. He instructs her to get up onto the table and place her feet in the stirrups. As he is examining her she hears him saying "mmmm... mmmhmmm". He completes the examination, instructs her to dress and then meet him in his office when she is done. In his office she asks him if there was anything unusual that he observed during the exam because she could not help but hear his non-verbal comments. "Oh, that" he says. " I was just admiring you. You have the cleanest vaginal area that I have ever seen in all my years of practice." The young woman proudly smiled and replied, "Why thank you! I have a woman come in twice a week and clean it!"
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