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Wake Forest Cheerleaders
Q: Why do Wake Forest cheerleaders wear bibs?
A: To keep the tobacco juice off the uniforms.
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SAT Revision
Q: Did you hear there is no longer an essay requirement on the SAT?
A: Now it's just going to be called the T.
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Class Reunion
A guy goes to his high school class reunion. Having not seen anyone in twenty-five years he's very curious as to who might show up. When he gets there, he runs into his old high school sweetheart. They sit down and talk about the past. "How have you been?" he asks. "I've been fine, just fine," she replies, "Although I do have some good news and a little bad news, though." "Bad news first, please." "Well, a few weeks ago I had to have a hysterectomy." "Oh my, that's too bad. I'm sorry to hear that." "But the good news is the doctor found your old high school class ring you thought you lost!"
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