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School Jokes

Skipping School
I hate school and got caught skipping the other day. My principal said, "Walk normal next time, you fruitcake."
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Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.
MIT Course Evaluation Results
These are actual student evaluation comments taken from an MIT course evaluation guide in the fall semester of 1991.
- "This class was a religious experience for me... I had to take it all on faith."
- "Text makes a satisfying `thud' when dropped on the floor."
- "The class is worthwhile because I need it for the degree."
- "His blackboard technique puts Rembrandt to shame."
- "Textbook is confusing... Someone with a knowledge of English should proofread it."
- "Have you ever fell asleep in class and awoke in another? That's the way I felt all term."
- "In class I learn I can fudge answers and get away with it."
- "Keep lecturer or tenure board will be shot."
- "The recitation instructor would make a good parking lot attendant. Tries to tell you where to go, but you can never understand him."
- "Text is useless. I use it to kill roaches in my room."
- "In class the syllabus is more important than you are."
- "I am convinced that you can learn by osmosis by just sitting in his class."
- "Help! I've fallen asleep and I can't wake up!"
- "Problem sets are a decoy to lure you away from potential exam material."
- "Recitation was great. It was so confusing that I forgot who I was, where I was, and what I was doing -- it's a great stress reliever."
- "He is one of the best teachers I have had... He is well-organized, presents good lectures, and creates interest in the subject. I hope my comments don't hurt his chances of getting tenure."
- "I would sit in class and stare out the window at the squirrels. They've got a cool nest in the tree."
- "He teaches like Speedy Gonzalez on a caffeine high."
- "This course kept me out of trouble from 2-4:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays."
- "Most of us spent the 1st 3 weeks terrified of the class. Then solidarity kicked in."
- "Bogus number crunching. My HP is exhausted."
- "The absolute value of the TA was less than epsilon."
- "TA steadily improved throughout the course... I think he started drinking and it really loosened him up."
- "Information was presented like a ruptured fire hose -- spraying in all directions -- no way to stop it."
- "I never bought the text. My $60 was better spent on the Led Zeppelin tapes that I used more while doing the problem sets that I would have used the text."
- "What's the quality of the text? `Text is printed on high quality paper.'"
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Duke Freshman to Change Lightbulb
Q: How many Duke freshmen does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None, because that's a sophomore course at Florida State and Virginia.
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