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Religion Jokes

Lord's Prayer Deal
The pope was weighting in line at Mc Donald's for lunch. When the manager came out to have a word. The manager told the pope that McDonald's would give 5 Million dollars to the church if he some how changed the Lord's prayer to give us today our daily hamburger instead of give us today our daily bread. The pope thought for a moment then said sorry I really can't. The manager then said, "Okay how about 40 million?" The pope said, "Okay well I'll talk to my top Cardinal about it." So the pope goes and sees the Cardinal and says, "I've got some good news and some bad news." The Cardinal says well lets hear the good news first. The Pope then says, "I can get the us 40 million dollars to put a church were ever they want." "The bad news is we are going to have to break the deal with Brumbies."
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Blondes in Tanning Salon
One day two blondes walked into a tanning salon. One blonde said, " A tan for 2 please!" The cashier said, "Okay," she filled out a form for them and asked, "are you two sisters?" They chuckled and replied, " No, we aren't even Catholic."
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Jewish Study
Q: Why don't Jewish girls study on their period?
A: Concentration Cramps
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