Ethnic / Country Jokes - German Jokes

Special Way

Q: How do Germans tie their shoes?
A: With little 'knotsies'.


Christmas Party

A few years ago, we invited some friends over for a Christmas party. Many of my colleagues were there, and many of them are German. Helmut, Franz, and Rudolf were there. I was talking to Rudolf about his belief in the superiority of the communist party. I grew tired of the discussion so I motioned towards the window and commented on the weather, "I believe it's snowing". "No, it looks too wet to be snow," he said. The argument went back and forth for a few minutes: rain, snow, rain, snow...Then my wife came over and settled the argument for us. She said: "Rudolf the Red knows rain, dear!"

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German Gross

Q: What's gross?
A: German porn.
Q: What's grosser than gross?
A: People who watch it.

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