Animal Jokes

LOL with a rich selection of very funny animal jokes. Jokerz has the best collection of animal jokes, check out our animal jokes and laugh away!


Q: What's the difference between a 'hippo' and a 'Zippo'?
A: One's really heavy, and the other's a little lighter.


Chef's Special

A man goes to Spain and attends a bullfight. Afterwards he goes to a nearby restaurant and orders the specialty of the day. The waiter brings him two very big balls on a huge plate, which the tourist eats with relish. The next day he goes to the same restaurant again, once again orders the specialty of the day, and he is brought two very big balls on a huge plate. It tastes even more scrumptious. The third day he does the same and the fourth, but on the fifth day he goes to the restaurant and orders the specialty of the day, and they bring him two very small balls on a big plate. The man asks, "What gives?" And the waiter says, "Senor, the bullfighter doesn't always win!"


Bat on the Floor

A group of bats, hanging at the ceiling of a cave, discovered a single bat standing upright underneath them on the floor of the cave. Surprised by this unusual behavior, they asked the fellow, "What the heck are you doing down there?"
He shouted back: "Yoga!"

Categories: Animal Jokes
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