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Alcohol Jokes - Beer Jokes

Beer Before the Trouble
A man walks into a bar and the bartender asks what he'll have.
The man replies, "A beer and a shot of whiskey before the trouble starts. The bartender shakes his head and gives him his drinks. All night, each time the bartender asks for his order the man says, "A beer and a shot of whiskey before the trouble starts." Finally the bartender asks the man what trouble he's talking about. The man says, "Give me a beer and I might just tell you." The bartender replies, "Sorry, you've had your limit for the night." The man says, "Ohh, now the trouble starts..."
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Bud Light
Bud Light has always been trans...
It's water that identifies as beer
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Miller Time
My husband has always taken the time to make love to me in a very romantic atmosphere. In fact, all our kids were conceived during Miller Lite commercials.
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