Profession Jokes - Dermatologist Jokes


Q: Why should you keep away from dermatologists?
A: They make rash decisions.

Submitted BY: mackiecfh

Taxonomy of Medical Practitioners

An Acher of bacteriologists
A murmur of cardiologists
A stain of cytotechnologists
A rash of dermatologists
A speck of forensic pathologists
A poke of gynecologists
A vessel of heart surgeons
A clot of hematologists
A nursery of obstetricians
A dose of pharmacists
A pile of proctologists
A G-spot of sex therapists
A stream of urologists

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Pirate at Doctor

A pirate goes to a doctor, worried that the moles on his back might be cancerous. The doctor inspects them and says, "It's okay, they're benign." The pirate replied, "Check 'em again matey, I think there be at least ten!"

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