Sex Jokes - Prostitute Jokes

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Duck Farmer

There was a  duck farmer who had 2 sons, but only enough money to send one to college. So he came up with a fair way to choose who was to get the money. He called both of his sons into a room and gave them each a duck and instructed them to go into the city. The one who made the most off the duck would win the money for college. Well the first child, being the good child he was, scurried off to sell his duck. As he was walking, he saw a lady mowing her lawn. She jumped up from the mower and screamed, "IS THAT A DUCK?!?" It sure is he replied, and its for sale too! She said that she collected ducks and would gladly pay him $10 for that duck, he agreed. Well the other son being the "bad" kid went strait for the whore house. When he got there, a lady started hitting on him. He said he'd love to fuck her but he doesn't have any money, just this duck. She thought about it for awhile and said, well I always did want a pet. So they go in the back and had passionate sex. When they were done, the lady said she didn't want the duck anymore. He said he would gladly take the duck back if he could fuck her again, so they went at it again. The guy was pretty happy by now so he runs on home, he ran so fast that the duck got away from him and ran out in front of a car and got hit. The duck was clearly dead, so the lady being in the hurry that she was, gave the young man $25 compensation for the dead duck, then she sped off in her car. When the two finally got home, the father once again called them into a room and said, "How much did you make," looking at his "good" son. The "good" son said $10, with a modest look on his face. Then the dad glared at his other son and said, "How about you?" The bad son said, "well... I got a fuck for a duck, a duck for a fuck, and $25 for a fucked up duck!"

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

A Prostitute's Hands

Q:  What do you call a prostitute with her hand down her skirt?
A:  Self-employed

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

A Prostitute Goes To The Hospital...

A prostitute goes to the hospital to visit a colleague who is about to have a heart transplant. She's worried about the friend so she says to the doctor "I'm worried about my friend doc, what if her body rejects the organ?" The doctor responds "Well she's 36 years old and healthy. How long has she been in business?" She answers "she's been working since she was 19 years old but what does that have to do with anything?" He tells her "Well she's been working 17 years and hasn't rejected an organ yet!"

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.
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