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Join the Biker Club

A little old lady wanted to join a biker club. She knocked on the door of a local biker club and a big, hairy, bearded biker with tattoos all over his arms answers the door. She proclaimed, "I want to join your biker club." The guy was amused and told her that she needed to meet certain biker requirements before she was allowed to join. So the biker asked her, "You have a bike?" The little old lady said, "Yeah, that's my Harley over there," and points to a Harley parked in the driveway. The biker asked her, "Do you smoke?" The little old lady said, "Yeah, I smoke. I smoke four packs of cigarettes a day and a couple of cigars while I'm shooting pool." The biker was impressed and asked, "Well, have you ever been picked up by the fuzz?" The little old lady said, "No, I've never been picked up by the fuzz, but I've been swung around by my nipples a few times."


Shady Conceptions

Q: Did you know that you can get a woman pregnant from anal intercourse?
A: That's how lawyers are made.


Three Sons, Three Things

A man walks into the ice cream shop with his three sons.
"Josh will have vanilla, Jim will have chocolate, and Fathead will have strawberry." Then the man smacks Fathead across the head. The girl couldn't stand it. "Sir, I can't believe you treat your son like that.'' ''There are only three things in life a man needs to be happy," said the man. "A nice house, a beautiful wife and a nice tight pussy. Fathead here went and ruined that.''

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