Sex Jokes

JokerZ offers a HUGE collection of funny dirty jokes. Check out our professionally curated categories for hilarious adult jokes and sex jokes. Set your filter on Risque and Uncensored to browse dirty knock-knock jokes, inappropriate jokes and one liners from professional joke writers. Over 3000 of the best dirty jokes will have you ROFL. Share jokes anonymously with friends or post on social sites.

Yo Mama - Roller Coaster

Yo mama's like a roller coaster... she has her ups, she has her downs and 20 people or more can ride her at the same time!

Categories: Yo Momma Jokes , Sex Jokes

Lewinsky's Dress

Q:  Did you hear what the FBI just found in Monica Lewinsky's dress?
A: A wad of Bill's.


I'd Like To...

I'd like to fuck your brains out, but it looks like someone beat me to it!

Categories: Sex Jokes
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