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School Jokes

Why Studying Is Better Than Sex
- You can usually find someone to do it with.
- If you get tired, you can stop, save your place and pick up where you left off.
- You can finish early without feelings of guilt or shame.
- When you open a book, you don't have to worry about who else has opened it.
- A little coffee and you can do it all night.
- If you don't finish a chapter you won't gain a reputation as a "book teaser."
- You can do it, eat and watch T.V. all at the same time.
- You don't get embarrassed if your parents interrupt you in the middle.
- You don't have to put your beer down to do it.
- If you aren't sure what you're doing, you can always ask your roommate for help.
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Four Benefits of Breast Milk
A question had appeared in a student's medical examination which read: "List four benefits of breast milk." A student began to answer the question: 1. No need to bottle it. 2. Cats can't steal it. 3. Available whenever necessary. But the fourth point eluded him. When there were barely a couple of minutes before the exam ended, the fourth point flashed before his mind. So he completed the answer by writing: 4. Available in attractive containers.
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Auburn Student's Holiday Break
An Auburn student spent a holiday in New Mexico with Native Americans who told him the Legend of the Maidens. The tale went this way: "There are beautiful maidens who live in the cracks and crevices in this valley. If you hear them call, 'Woo Woo,' take off your clothes quickly and enter the cave. They will show you a fabulous time!" Several days later, the headlines in the local newspaper read: "Body of Naked Auburn Student found in Tunnel, Run Over by Train."
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