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Relationship Jokes - Wedding Jokes

Wedding Performance
On the eve of his wedding night, a confused young man calls his father to ask him about his upcoming performance. "Dad," says the son, "what do I do tonight? I'm very nervous." "Don't worry," comforts the father. "It's all very simple. Remember that thing you used to play with as a teenager? Well, you just take that and stick it where your wife pees." So that night, the now-confident young man takes his G.I. Joe and throws it in the toilet!
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Married at a Nudist Colony
Q: Have you heard about the couple who got married in a nudist colony?
A: They wanted everyone to be sure who the best man was!
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The Dream
Tom's dream was to marry a sweet, innocent virgin. He'd been going with Jane for a few months, when he decided to test her. As they drove along in the car, he unzipped his fly, turned to her and said, "Do you want to see my wee-wee?" She yelled,
"No! No! Please zip up your fly!" Instead of being annoyed, Tom was happy. On the eve of their engagement to be married, he tried the same thing, with the same result. Finally, on their wedding night, they were alone in the hotel room when he unzipped his fly again and said to her,
"Honey, now that we're married you can now look at what I've got here," and proceeded to take out his dick. She looked at it and said,
"Oh, what a sweet looking wee-wee!" Tom said,
"No darling--you don't have to call it a wee-wee anymore; you can call it a cock." She looked at it a while and then said,
"No, Tom, what you have 'is' a wee-wee." A 'cock' is long, thick, and black!!!
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